待辦清單|美國境內帶大狗搭飛機:準備事項 & 時程表
21 Days Preparation Guide for Bringing a Dog to Air Travel with You
21 Days Preparation Guide for Bringing a Dog to Travel with You
3 Weeks Before Travel Date
☐ Get dog-friendly flight tickets (no airbus)
☐ Book Dog Flight w/ Alaska Chat
☐ Book vet health exam appointment with confirmed fly date
☐ Ensuring all shots are completed
☐ Book Dog sitter in case of health exam failure
10 Days Before Travel Date
☐ Go to Vet for a health exam
7 Days Before Travel Date
☐ Get your dog acclimated to the travel kennel
☐ Arrange a comfortable ride (bedding, toys)
☐ Avoid extreme sports that can cause injury
☐ Depending on cancellation policy, cancel sitter if exam passes
1 Day Before Travel Date
☐ Check weather to ensure no extreme conditions
☐ Put on AirTag or other tracker, rabies tag, physical name tag
☐ Book dog friendly Uber
☐ Write destination info on the crate
On the Travel Date
☐ Feed your dog 4hr prior to departure
☐ Do no over water
☐ Bring treat with you so you can give them at the good-bye
☐ Book dog friendly Uber, expect rejection
☐ Arrive at the airport 2hr prior to departure
☐ Dependent on crowd, let your dog to be picked up at 1.5hr mark
☐ Carry nail clip (for cutting zip-tags), water bowl with you